
Saturday, September 6, 2014

PIC HEAVY: DGC "The Black Collection" Swatches

 Here is my preview post for the second upcoming collection from Darling Girl Cosmetics! Once again it is quite pic heavy... I just can't limit myself to a few swatches when the colors are so pretty and complex. (I swear the colors change when I'm not looking!)
Anyway, this is The Black Collection inspired by the Netflix show OITNB. I don't watch the show so I don't understand the references, but I'm sure fans will get a kick out of them. As for me, this collection appeals to my girly side with it's sweet pink and neutral offerings. (Which is funny considering the show takes place in a women's correctional facility? haha) 
Please read on for lots of swatchy goodness!

Throwing Pie, Squat and Cough, The Swirl, Taystee Girl, Dandelion.
Throwing Pie, Squat and Cough, The Swirl.
Throwing Pie, Squat and Cough, The Swirl.
Squat and Cough, The Swirl, Taystee Girl.
The Swirl, Taystee Girl, Dandelion.
Taystee Girl, Dandelion.
Throwing Pie is a warm medium pink with strong gold shift. These pics tend to show the base more strongly than the shimmer/shift but this color is even prettier in person!
Squat and Cough is a light baby pink with light gold shift. Again, the camera didn't want to show the shift on this color. It also appears warmer than it is in person; in person I would describe it as "angelic". So pretty!
The Swirl is one of my faves in the collection; it's a gorgeous medium golden brown with just the right balance of warm and cool to make it wearable for anyone, I think. Beautiful satin/metallic finish, so gorgeous!
Taystee Girl is another favorite, a super pale blue, sort of periwinkle, almost leaning lavender, with strong pink shift. I love colors like this, can't wait to use it!
Dandelion is a cheerful bright yellow with pink sparkles. If it looks at all on the green side in my photos, ignore that. It's definitely yellow.

 Part 2:
Marzipan Nipples, Duct Tape Couture, Slocked, Pornstache, Tit Punch.
Marzipan Nipples, Duct Tape Couture, Slocked, Pornstache.
Duct Tape Couture, Slocked, Pornstache.
Slocked, Pornstache, Tit Punch.
Pornstache, Tit Punch.
I think these colors are more color accurate than the first photos.
Marzipan Nipples looks kind of chalky in the photos because the base is kinda matte, but in person it has plenty of pink shimmer and sparkles.
Soooo sparkly....
Slocked is one of my favorite shades of the bunch, an almost transparent base with pearly white shimmer and strong red/pink shift. I took tons of pics but this was the closest I could get to show the shift.

This collection also boasts two new Pixie Sprinkles glitter mixes:
Pennsatucky is an angelic mix of aqua, blue, silver, and I don't know what-all glitters.
Red is a sizzling mixture of red, pink, gold, and black glitters.

 Now some bonus swatches...
Throwing Pie
Squat and Cough (see the baby pink sparkles?)
The Swirl looks very champagne here. Also looks like baby blue sparkles? Sweet!
Taystee Girl reminds me of my favorite Spectral Shift, Mystique, but periwinkle rather than mint. It has that consistency though.
Marzipan Nipples; not sure Glitter Glue is best base for this one. I might try something else that plays better with the matte base.
Duct Tape Couture is a taupey medium gray base with pink/mauve shimmer and sparkles. Basically. xD
Slocked... still can't see much of the pink shift.. sigh
Tit Punch is SO. SPARKLY. This eyeshadow has enough sparkles to share with all her classmates and still have more than everyone.

I'll try to do a look early next week using some of these colors. My allergies have been worse than usual this week and I just didn't feel like doing makeup on runny, itchy eyes. :(
If you like what you see here then keep your eyes open for the release around the middle of this month! Also follow Darling Girl's Facebook page for updates!

Thanks for reading!♥